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Airdrie-A Relic Of The Past
Can It Be Saved?
a jrd web page on 12/3/14.

"A Group Tour Of Airdrie On 11/7/14"

Airdrie Restoration.

On November 7, 2014 at 10:00 am, a concerned group of people met at the Paradise TVA Gas Turbine Electric Generation Plant, construction guard shack, for an official tour of the old Airdrie Iron Ore Foundry. An overseer for the Rogers' family, owner of the Airdrie Hill property, acted as host and tour guide. Jeff Drake, concerned citizen of the Airdrie Site, has been instrumental in trying to gather enough interested people, groups, organizations, county members, state and federal groups, and the TVA organization, interested in restoring the Airdrie Iron Ore Foundry. The Directors of both the State Heritage Council and Preservation Kentucky were there and went along on the tour. The head of the Felix Martin Foundation, out of Louisville, made the tour. Kentucky Education Television representatives were there and filmed some of the event for a program that will air some time in February. Newspapers were represented by the Greenville Leader-News and the Central City Times-Argus. Maps and Surveys of the state, and some independent individuals were present representing, individual bloggers and concerned citizens. I was fortunate to have been invited and enjoyed the crisp Autumn day and the view of old Airdrie. It still has not changed much. Ohio County Judge Executive and the Ohio County Times-News Paper were invited but declined the offer. Tennessee Valley Authority was represented by TVA Public Safety and Administration Officials. Jeff Drake presented an overview of the project and a couple of History Professors explained how they thought that the old foundry worked. Before departing, TVA Police and the overseer of the land cautioned all that this historic site is in a restricted area and trespassing is not permitted. Just an enlightening trip that I think all present enjoyed. For those of you wanting to make the Airdrie trip, please be patient, as many groups and individuals are trying to restore and make this local treasure a public area to visit. Please wish all of them "Good Luck".

Powerhouse Interior.

Airdrie Epilogue-12/3/14.
As I write this epilogue, or ending of this section of the web site, I wonder if it is still only a matter of time until Mother Nature takes Airdrie back to the ground and the groundhogs, squirrels, and other varmints, once again, have this section of the state to themselves. Maybe so, maybe not. A few years back, when I first spoke of Airdrie, I talked of it as a treasure that would some day be gone. In my earlier years of visiting this place of stone, bricks, rocks and mortar, it was just there like so many other places, and if it was not there, later on in my life, it would not matter. On a few of my last visits to Airdrie, I kept thinking that this area was so important to Muhlenberg County, Ohio County, other counties, and the state of Kentucky that it would be a big mistake to allow all to just revert back to where it came from. Kentucky Coal Mining was first tried in this area. The smelting of iron ore to make iron was one of the first places in this state as well as the United States to have been been tried here. Songs have been written about Airdrie and a large population of this country are direct descendants of the two hundred or so workers that emigrated here from Scotland to build and operate the Airdire Works. Thirty or so years ago, I would liked to have seen some work started on the preservation of Airdire and all that I talked to wanted the same. Everyone wanted to restore this magnificiant, man made, iron ore foundry, but no one made much beyond that first move to get'r'done. Personally, I just could not fathom groups, organizations and such with enough influence or money to even attempt to try to restore this old relic of the past. So sad.

Then, along came Jeff. You have perhaps heard the old song about a woman being in distress and then "Along Came Jones". This woman was tied to the railroad tracks and along came Jones, and he freed her! She was about to be sawed in half and along came Jones and he freed her! You have to go back many years to have heard that song. Let us face it; they just don't make songs like that anymore. I enjoyed the song, but once in a Blue Moon, someone will come along that can and will make changes. In this case and the case in particular of Airdrie, Jeff Drake may be the answer. Jeff is from Muhlenberg County and is hard headed enough to not take no for an answer and is in the long process of trying to establish some form of a group or organization that will make Airdrie a place to visit. He has a very good web site about Airdrie if anyone is interested. Just looking at, what could possible be, the steam engine at Airdrie will make this trip to his website worthwhile. Just click on the following link.

Hope you enjoy your visit.

Thanks for looking this site over.

See you.....

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