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Cherry Hill Mine Crew!
Picture circa: Mid-Forties.
Thanks to Hilma for picture.

Stat by jrd on 2/5/05. Corrections made on 11/5/10

Some Of The Men That Worked The Cherry Hill Mine!
Front Row L-R. Randolph Collins or Mr. Hoheimer, Coot Mason, William Scott, Cecil Johnson or Ben Woodburn's brother, Ben Woodburn, Robert Kennedy, Jake Saling, and C. L. Marlow.

Back Row L-R. George Leslie Millard, Jeff Curtis, Hulet Curtis, Bertrand "Bert" Reid, Unknown, Kelly Hyatt.

Originally on this web page, George Millard, or the miner in the back row on the left was identified as Mitchell Curtis. Mrs. George Millard, from Hartford was sincere in her belief that the miner was her late husband, namely George Millard. I compared the features of Mitchell in another picture to that of this new picture, and was convinced that the man on the left on the back row is not Mitchell. Mitchell's, height as compared to Hulet and Jeff Curtis, in the earlier picture, helped convince me that the man in question was not Mitchell. There have been several people tell me that any picture worth saving is worth writing information on the back of the pictures that would inform a person looking at the pictures the primary essentials of the picture. Good advice, but still have a problem with this picture. As the reader can see, not all men are positively identified and I could use a little help here as you can see, some of the miners are not identified and some are questionable with a conflict between two different names. My quest for correct identification may be forever lost, as time and coal miners seem to fade into oblivion. Each succeeding generation seems to be losing an important part of their heritage. Will pass this on down to my survivors for what it will be worth.

Thanks for looking and a future thanks to those of you that can and will help make this web page better and more correct.

See you......

If you have any information that you would like to share, concerning the Rockport Area Coal Mines and Miners, just click on "Snoopy" below to reach my by e-mail. If you have pictures and/or information feel free to sent by the United States Post Office. I will return any pictures and will try my best to get them back to you in as good of condition as was sent. Thanks for looking.

See you.....

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

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