"Smallhous Turn Bridge"
Turning Bridge, Turn Bridge, Swing
Bridge and on and on. There are a few names for a bridge that can be swung from
one position to another. This type bridge is positioned on a pier with equal amounts
of bridge on either side of the pier and is able to be moved horizontally from one
position to another. Normally, this type of bridge is positioned parallel to the
river and when need be, it can be swung 90 degrees or so to be lined up with a railroad
tracks so as to complete a path for a train crossing. In most cases, a swing bridge will
be placed on a "Middle Pier" with a normal position of being parallel to the river or
"Up and Down" the river in order to not impeded any river traffic. Then, when needed,
the bridge could be "Swung" 90 degrees or so to where it could be lined up with the
railroad tracks and then locked so that a path could be made for a train to safely
cross the bridge. Of course, this type of bridge can be used for automobile traffic
as well as a railroad bridge.
The small town of Smallhous has seen better days and the town is gone. A lone Church,
near the old town of Smallhous, is still an active Church, thus keeping the memory
of Smalhous alive. For the most part, the railroad is gone and the rails and any
serviceable part of the railroad system have been salvaged leaving the railroad bed.
The swing bridge is locked in position, parallel to the river, and the connecting
rails have been destroyed, mostly by vandals. The depot, water tank, and anything
pertaining to a bridge operation are gone leaving only building bases and foundation.
The bridge sits in the middle of the river on a middle pier and is mostly protected
by vandals by the Green River. Of course time and the elements will eventually take
the bridge. Another historic relic in the area gone or nearly gone, not to be
replaced or restored. Such a shame.
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