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Rockport Heroes Remembered!
Military Series Of Some Heroes From The Cold War.

A jrd Stat on 6/6/07.
Updated Source Code On 3/1/16

~~ Tracy Stewart. ~~
A Rockport High School Student.
Armed Forces Veteran Of The Cold War.
Tracy is the son of Duane (Buckie) Stewart and Margie E. Stewart.
Pictures provided by Hilma.

This Military Series Is Designed To Give Honor To Those From The Rockport Area That Served Our Country. I Have Not Left Out Anyone Intentionally, As I Can Only Include Those That I Have Information About. If You Know Or Aware Of Anyone That I Have Not Included, Please Feel Free To Send Me Some Material And I will Include Them In The Series. Thanks.

Music is a medley of Military tunes.

Tracey Duane Stewart.

Picture provided by Hilma Stewart.

The following two paragraphs about Tracey Stewart were taken from "Our Heroes Forever" booklet that was composed by Shirley Fulkerson Barnes and Delona Smiley Fulkerson. "Our Heroes Forever" is a Pond Run Baptist Church production in honor of the local heroes of the Armed Forces. The actual production date of the pamphlet is unknown to me, but would guess it to be in the time frame of 2002. Thanks you two.

Tracey Stewart signed up for the National Guard when he graduated from high school. He was 17 years old. He was in Company A, 4th Battalion, 1st AIT/OSUT Brigade Armor, Fort Knox, KY. He did his basic training at Fort Dixon, New Jersey in 1980. On November 5, 1981 he received a Certificate of Achievement, Recognition of Outstanding Record, achieved while undergoing training in this command, and recognition as outstanding soldier. Certificate of training successfully completed November 5, 1981 at Fort Knox, KY. He was in the National Guard 6 years and was an expert army crewman. While at Fort Knox, Tracey was featured in the movie "Stripes", which was made at Fort Knox. He drove one of the tanks in the movie.

Tracey is married to Sara Warnick Stewart. They live in Beaver Dam, KY. Tracey has two daughters, Magan and Katelyn.

Thanks Tracey, for serving our country.

Tracey's father and two uncles are pictured with Jimmie Barnard and Billy Welborn.