Greetings all and hope your day has been a good one. I worked today and enjoyed
what I had to do and thus, I have had a good day.......
Hope you have enjoyed playing this simple game of "Who Is It"? Well, it is time
for some more answers. The identity of the first pictures are as follows. From left
to right and the names are in the time frame when the picture was taken:
Dotty Durbin, Jo Nell McCoy, Margurette Porter, Patsy Baston, Tootsie Porter and
Blackie Porter. Hum, mostly of those Porter Girls. That reminds me of their father.
Sure did enjoy playing checkers with him. Can you believe that in his later years, I
actually beat him in a few games of checkers. He was about the number one checker
player, in that time frame, in Rockport. To beat Mawh was to be a good player.

Well, pictured above is Roland "Bo" Wilkerson. Some time back, Dotty went with me
to the landfill to dump our garbage. I had to talk to Bo for a few minutes and Dotty
took his picture at long range. Turned out pretty good.
What would most of us have done without a place to "Hang Out" when we were teenagers?
Bill's Place was just one of those places. It just seems that people like Bill Tooley
were created to help others. There could not have been a lot of money to be made in
the operation of a small town restaurant. If not money, why would one work 60 plus
hours a week just to keep a small town restaurant open. It would have to be the enjoyment
of association of others and not the take home pay of the operation. Why, I can remember,
many a time, purchasing a Dr. Pepper and ordering two straws. One of the straws was for
me and one for my date. Just ask my wife. Thanks Bill, and all other small town restaurant
owners, for your service to the small communities and to their teenagers.
Well, that leaves one picture of five people that have not been identified. Have
you made your guess? If not, here is a clue-One of those five may not be a girl.

Thanks for playing and thanks for looking. Appreciate your feedback. I know how
difficult it is to identify a person or persons in a picture that is over fifty years
old. While most of us grew up with this bunch, times and faces change. Some of them
are no longer on this earth and some, I have not seen since the picture was taken.
No, I could not have identified them either, if I had been placed in your position.
Well, read and weep, as most of you know at least four of the five. From left to right
and identified by the name of the person at the time of the picture:
Jean Duncan
Pearl "Slick" Chapman
Nerida Shultz
Francis Chapman
Patsy Baston
See you....
jrd :)
Stationery by jrd on 7/14/05.

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