Rockport High School!

RHS Class Of 1949 - As Sophomores!

Picture And Information by Hilma.
A jrd Stat.

Back Row-Left to Right: Flossie Wilson, Leslie Brown, Betty Reid, Mildred Knight, Bobbie Jean Fulkerson, John Harrison Render, James Layman, and Billy Welborn.

Seated-Left to Right: James Lloyd Stewart, Nina Benton, Unknown, Ann Barnard, Shelby Fred Robinson, Betty June Fulkerson, Billy Samuel Drake.

Rockport High School!

RHS Graduates Of 1949!

Back Row-Left to Right: Shelby ? ? ?; Tell you what-Look at the picture, above, when this class was Sophomores and try to identify them as Seniors. If you have any problems, come on back at me. Well, have made it a little difficult. The girl seated and on the left is Patricia Render. Thanks to Hilma for both of the pictures and for the information.

How about this one? Do you want to see more class pictures of the students at Rockport? I like this type series, but am about out of pictures. Fact is, I will do some digging and see if I can't find some. Do you have any pictures along this line that you would be willing to share? Hilma and I will take care of any hard prints that you can send and return them in the manner that they were sent. Of course, a digital picture is preferred. I do have an older stat of a class in the thirties that I have used before. Will resend in case you have not seen it. .

See you......
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